Kirkoswald Parish Council Highways representative is Parish Councillor Randal Raine.
If you have any issues regarding Highway matters, such as pot holes, road surfaces etc please get in touch with Randal on 01768 898 291 or 07887 622 490. He will then get in touch with the Cumbria Highways Contact to pass on your concerns.
Any emergencies should be reported through the Highways Hotline on 0300 3032992 or
The Parish Council engage a contractor to spray Kirkoswald three times a year to reduce the number of weeds. Renwick is sprayed for weeds twice a year. The Parish Council ensure that the contractor is well qualified and experienced to undertake the task. The spray used is a herbicide that does not harm animals or people. It is used diluted to the correct strength and it degrades as soon as it comes into contact with soil. Spraying usually takes place in May, July and September but is very much weather dependent so it is not possible to narrow the actual date further. If anyone would like further details please contact the clerk to the Parish Council or the chair.
To enable you to help identify areas of concern a number of maps can be accessed here.